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Worship & Music

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. - Matthew 22:37


In our worship services we:


Services are held at 9:30 on Sunday mornings. We celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion on the first and third Sundays of each month. Anyone who is baptized is welcome to receive Communion at Good Shepherd.


After the service, please join us in the fellowship hall for snacks and a chat. Our choirs also rehearse after the Sunday morning service.


If you are unable to attend, the services are broadcast live on radio station FM 88.9. They are also recorded as videos which may be viewed on our YouTube Channel and Facebook Page.


Holy Week and Easter Schedule 2025


Good Shepherd Through the Year

The Chancel area of our Sanctuary is decorated by our Altar Guild, Choir Director, and Worship Committee to reflect the seasons and events of the Church Year:








Good Friday




Quilt Sunday





Good Shepherd has two different musical groups who help to enhance our worship services: a chime choir and a mixed choir, both under the leadership of our Choir Director, Janis Kurth. Please contact her through the church office if you would like to join either group, or both!


Chime & Bell Choir

The Chime Choir performs using handheld chimes or handbells twice a month from September to May, usually on Communion Sundays. We also enhance special services such as Christmas and Easter with extra selections. We practice Sunday mornings at 10:45, just after our regular weekly services. Members range in age from Junior High School to older adults who enjoy music.


Chancel Choir

The chancel choir is an enthusiastic group of people who enjoy sharing God’s word through music. We are not professional singers and welcome anyone who enjoys singing. We practice after church services and after the chime choir, at 11:15 on Sunday mornings, and perform every other Sunday from September through May, accompanied by our Pianist, Tena Rackow. The choir selects music that ranges from traditional hymns to Gospel music, always with an inspirational message.


The Choir Singing on a Festive Easter Morning


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